We work to build early childhood equity for those who need it most.


About Our Vision

The work of our Organization is aimed at building equity for early childhood systems through awareness. These inequities are in the areas of equitable pay for rural early childhood teachers, affordable high-quality daycare access, language, transportation, policy, and infrastructure.


Build the policy advocacy capacity of local organizations led by and serving Blacks and Hispanics in Nash, Edgecombe, and part of Halifax County.


Enhance and influence state policy discussions in advocacy of Nash & Edgecombe County.


Support the implementation of local policy and advocacy goals to dismantle structures that perpetuate racism and racial inequities in systems of early childhood.


Bring awareness to the inequities in early childhood systems in the Hispanic and Black communities over a three-year period.


Direct Focused Dialogue With Our Community


Our Areas of Focus

Access to High-Quality Childcare

Provide a safe educational environment that promotes the retention of our Quality Early Childhood Systems educators, by allocating resources to rural areas to improve the quality of building and classroom resources.

Equitable Pay for Rural Teachers

According to Berkley's study on the racial wage gaps in early education employment, Black and Hispanic early educators are overrepresented in roles that place their wages not only at the bottom of the early childhood workforce but at the bottom of the entire U.S. labor market. In early education, as elsewhere, the permeation of racism and bias throughout the labor market is indefensible.

Hispanic & Black Representation in Education

Providing awareness about the benefits of hiring Black and Hispanic educators and representatives in local Early Childhood Systems providers.

Overcoming the Language Barrier

Promoting the benefits of bilingual representation in early childhood education and the systems that support early childhood development. According to a study published by Columbia University, participation rates vary by race and ethnicity with Hispanic children maintaining the lowest enrollment levels, primarily because they lack access to such programs.

Raising Awareness Among Policymakers

According to research conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, high inequality hinders GDP growth and reduces social mobility. Unequal opportunity results in a talent loss for the individual as well as for society. It also gives rise to a sense of injustice that can feed social unrest and decrease trust in institutions and political systems...Disadvantaged students are three times as likely to be among PISA’s poor performers as children from socio-economically advantaged backgrounds... An important first step is providing access to high-quality early childhood education (ECEC) for all children. There is now a wealth of evidence, including longitudinal studies, that investing in ECEC yields high returns in boosting cognitive and non-cognitive skills, as well as later success in the labor market, especially for disadvantaged children.


Building Equity in Early

Childhood Systems

Would you like to be part of a Focus Group?

If you live in Nash or Edgecombe County and have children aged 3 months to 5 years old please add your voice to this discussion.